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Bodrek yang "Bikin Pusing"

Fake Journalist Notification

Dear, Respective Journalist, Marcomm Agency; PR Agency; PR Practitioners; Corporate Communications; and Corporate Secretary;

I’d like to give the information that Feri Widiamoko, a.k.a. Taufik Ismail, Widi Amoko, Feri Widiatmoko ( fwidiamoko@yahoo.com) with phone number 081384112241 is a ‘wartawan gadungan’ and never work for ‘Harian Surya’; or any other media. He often writes about emiten, corporate things, stocks, shares, and another financial & business related issues. He also used to hang out in IDX an BEI.

Yesterday I helped the representative of Harian Surya (Kompas Group Member) to report him to the authorities and process him accordingly.

I send this notification just because yesterday during the process in Polda Metro Jaya; I reckon that he also quite often approach the Corporate Secretary, Executives and C Levels from various top level and multinational companies; international organizations; foreign representatives; BUMN; and governmental institutions.. Regarding i feel that we're stand on the same boat named PR, Marcomm, Corporate Comm, or Mass Media; thus I'd like to pass this news for your information.

For further information, kindly find the links below:

Hopefully this email will be useful for all of us. 

Rosari Soendjoto | @rosarirosari  

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